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Equipment resources

Equipment Borrowing Regulations of Chinese Herbal Medicine Center

To ensure the proper operation of equipment and the safety and fairness of the borrowing process, the following regulations are established. All users must comply with these rules:

1. Borrowing Eligibility

1.1 Borrowers must be approved researchers, laboratory members, or representatives of partner organizations and must have completed relevant technical training.
1.2 Before borrowing equipment, an application form must be submitted and approved by the center's management staff.

2. Application Process

2.1 Borrowers must submit their applications at least three working days in advance, specifying the equipment name, purpose, and intended usage period.
2.2 All applications must be completed using the "Equipment Borrowing Application Form" and signed by the laboratory supervisor before submission to the center's management department.
2.3 For long-term borrowing, a detailed research plan or project background must be provided.

3. Regulations During Borrowing Period

3.1 Borrowed equipment may only be used for the purposes specified in the application and must not be used for unrelated operations.
3.2 Borrowers must operate equipment according to the guidelines and must not modify settings or disassemble components without authorization.
3.3 Borrowers are responsible for the daily cleaning and maintenance of the equipment during the borrowing period and must restore it to its original state after use.
3.4 Equipment may not be lent to others without permission.

4. Borrowing Time and Return

4.1 Borrowing time may not exceed the approved duration. For extensions, borrowers must submit an application in advance and obtain approval.
4.2 After use, borrowers must return the equipment on time and complete the inspection and handover process with the management staff.
4.3 Any damages or abnormalities discovered during the return process must be reported immediately to the management staff.

5. Responsibilities and Compensation

5.1 Borrowers are responsible for ensuring the safety of the equipment. Any damage caused by improper operation must be repaired or replaced at the borrower’s expense.
5.2 If late returns affect other users, the center reserves the right to hold the borrower accountable based on the circumstances.
5.3 Borrowers must adhere to laboratory safety guidelines. Any safety incidents caused by violations will be the responsibility of the borrower.

6. Prohibited Actions

6.1 Unauthorized use or modification of equipment is strictly prohibited.
6.2 The use of unapproved reagents or materials with the equipment is prohibited.
6.3 Commercial activities that violate the center’s regulations during the borrowing period are prohibited.

7. Other Matters

7.1 The center reserves the right to adjust equipment borrowing arrangements based on operational conditions and will notify borrowers in advance.
7.2 Chinese Herbal Medicine Center reserves the final interpretation of these regulations.